Payment webhook

A payment webhook is a POST URL delivered by the API partner to November First, when the payment is created. Webhook calls are triggered every time there is a change in:

  1. Payment Status
  2. Approval Status
  3. Initiation Status

Calls to the Payment webhook are delivered in this format:

"{\"CustomerCVR\":\"28860633\",\"PaymentReference\":\"1TYY9IDKTBC\",\"PaymentStatus\":\"Pending\",\"ApprovalStatus\":\"Pending\",\"CustomerNumber\":\"208100006\",\"RecipientName\":\"Jonas Test\",\"ToAmount\":200.0000,\"ToCurrencyCode\":\"ISK\",\"InitiationStatus\":null,\"IsSepa\":false,\"FeeSharingType\":\"Shared\"}"

IMPORTANT The webhook object has a Payment Status with extra options. Please don't confuse it with the ApprovalStatus.

The options are described below:

Pending: Payment Created but not ready to be paid.
Scheduled: Payment to be paid at a future date.
AwaitingCustomerPayment: Payment executed and awaiting the customer funds to our account.
AwaitingTransfer: Payment ready to be sent to the recipient.
Completed: Payment sent to the final recipient.
TradeReverted: International payment canceled.
TransferForbidden: Payment cannot be sent because the recipient is restricted.
Canceled: Payment canceled by November First or customer request.

PendingApproval: the payment is pending approval.
Approved: the payment has been approved and is ready to be paid.
Rejected: the payment has been rejected by an approver.
PartiallyApproved: the payment needs additional approvers.

The description of each field of the webhook is described below:

CustomerCVRThe CVR of the customer.
PaymentReferenceThe reference of the payment.
PaymentStatusThe status of the payment.
ApprovalStatusThe Status of the Approval, with values.
CustomerNumberThe November First customer number.
RecipientNameThe name of the recipient of the payment.
ToAmountThe amount to be sent to the recipient.
ToCurrencyCodeThe currency of the "ToAmount" field.
InitiationStatusThe Payment initiation status, with values: Initiated, Sent, Accepted, Rejected.
IsSepaA boolean field describing if the payment is a EUR transfer to a recipient in the SEPA region.
FeeSharingTypeThe fee sharing type of the payment: