- You are an authorized partner with November First, therefore you have a partner id and a partner account number. (
- the customer has set up a bank account with NETS Overførsel integration.
As a short summary, these are the steps you need to go through with your customers in order to onboard them and start creating payments on their behalf.
1.- Onboard one of your customers to November First.
2.- Obtain the customer's appid.
3.- Create a payment.
4.- Redirect the user to November First approvals.
5.- Read the payment status.
1.- Onboard one of your customers to November First.
in order to onboard a customer, please redirect them to the following url:[your parnter account number]
The customer will see the following page:

If your user already has an account with November First then he just needs to login otherwise, they have to create an account and go through the onboarding process.
Once the customer has enabled your integration, a user and an appid related to your integration will be created in the customer's account.
2.- Obtain the customer's appid.
Once the customer has finish enabling your integration, November first will send the customer's appid and CVR to your redirect URL.
The redirect URL is a URL that you have to provide to November First when you sign up as a partner, this URL must be a POST endpoint and must accept this payload.
"CustomerCvr": null,
"NFCustomerNumber ": null,
"AppPublicKey": null
If a customer is going through the onboarding process, the appid key will be sent to you as soon as the account has been approved.
3.- Create a payment.
once you have an appid, you can create a payment on behalf of the customer using your partner user account and your partner id. Please refer to Authentication and the POST /payment methods.
4.- Redirect the user to November First approvals.
All payments created through a partner require further approval by the November First customer, in order to ease the process for your user, you can redirect him to the approval flows windows with this URL:
5.- Read the payment status.
Read the created payment status by calling the GET /Payment endpoint. Further information under the N1.API section.